At this point I hate most ” groups ”
The only group of people I seem to like are neurodivergent people who learned to be more moderate with their “ strong sense of justice ”.
Cis girls see us trans women as inferior. They’ll treat you like a weird gay man slay yass queen I love your makeup 💅😍 even if you are literally just wearing mascara or worst if you did you makeup but it’s bad. They’ll call you pretty but as soon as a man seems interested in you they’ll be like ” I didn’t know he swings that way I’m not attracted to him anymore he’s a 🚬 eww + he has HIV probably !! I only want a real man cause everybody knows despise the fact that i pretend to be a feminist I have a misogyny kink😚.. also I’m confused why would anyone be attracted to a 🚂🦵 like you-I MEAN you’re so pretty never get surgery please plus if you do it’s misogynistic because you assume women can’t have big jaws or big noses⁉️…why are you mad omg work on your male socialization !! ”
Cis man created a fantasy in their head where trans women are gay men who see them as the ultimate price. 🗣️” 🚂🦵 only transition to have straight men attention !! ”🗣️ And since they can’t torture cis women in this society anymore and they don’t feel valued, they’ll run to trans women because then they’ll be ” see as price to get ” and also they can torture us without us fighting back because nobody else wants us and they’re doing us a favor (trans porn is one the most popular category but still no men would ever wanna touch a 🚂🦵 now common) !! Also the t-slurs are so freaky !! They can top me and I’m sure they’ll be begging to do so (even though I have a hairy hole and never wash) ! What do you mean they wouldn’t want to top me because of ” bottom dysphoria ” this isn’t even real they only transition to trick us straight men because we’re so sexy, no such thing as dysphoria !! …Or well in that case I will just lie and tell them I’m a top ! We’ll never go out though, I don’t want people to see me with a disgusting 🚬 troon also I’m gonna vote her rights away yeah !!
And the religious people who hate us but somehow we have to ” respect “ them and their fantasy book + made-up rules…
And even the trans community who is 90% just a bunch of chronically online braindead corn addict with ZERO SELF-AWARENESS !!
Even most ND people who seem “ safe ” will tell you stuff like ” umhh you don’t need dysphoria to be trans !! 🤓 trans women with beards and trans men who show off their large breasts in tight crop tops are valid dude !! They are not harming your cause the problem is cis people (that doesn’t include me because I dyed my hair with cat piss and blueberries once so I’m non-binary !! 🏳️⚧️ ”