Recap Review: That One Place, Prefumo Extracts, Stardust, Starcoast, and Raw7

I'm going to post a recap over the next few days of what I've been taking lately. These will be kinda long. I'll go vendor by vendor.

That One Place- The best in the game when it comes to 7oh. This newer powder the 63% Chocolate Dahlia is another fine example of why. To me, it's up there with the 73% Dahlia- my all time favorite powder. Not better but still very good. I like having a powder that works for dosing at any time. This was perfect. As even keeled as possible. Loved the medium energy with extended euphoria. This is a good one. Current batch of The Clash of the Titans 20mg 7oh + 50mg tabs are almost as good as the last batch. Those had the Tiger Lily powder. These have the currently available Day Lilly. As the name infers, these feel much more apt to daytime use. Love the mit with these (and the Titan powder separate which i love mix with doses). Can't go wrong here. I have a first time purchase c0de dm if interested.

Prefumo Extracts- I've been sleeping on posting a review of what I'd tried in December. It's all new batches now. I've heard really good things about the current powders. I had the last batch of Bee Pollen powder and wasn't really feeling it. I think it was testing around 90%. Not sure why wasn't more successful. Been having mixed results with the 90% range lately. New batch got all positive feedback. The 20mg strips worked much better for me. Found out they'd tested at 26.5mg! Long legs on these. Not sure what current ones tested at but I'm assuming high. I like what I'm seeing with this vendor.

Stardust- The new 58mg OHmFG tabs really worked for me. According to the website they're 53.88mg with other alkaloids. I know there's been under dosing accusations in the past. They felt noticeably stronger than the Tobias 50mg+ tabs from 7oh Black. I'd have liked for them to last a little longer. Not as much success the new Ruby Red powder. It's a mix of 95% powder and red crystal mit extracts. Didn't nearly hit like expected. Felt very... light. Prior powder was around 20% and worked better for me. They got 66mg tabs now. Got them coming next week.

Starcoast- 99% powder. Got in on 300mg before sold out completely. Obviously I was really really really looking forward to this one... And then was severely disappointed. Epically. My good friend said works best when small amount mixed with another 7oh powder. Didn't try it that way. Stand alone was a let down.

Raw 7- Their tabs have been a real pleasant surprise. Flavoring, in particular, is top notch. The recent round was pretty tasty. Juicy Jolts worked the best for me overall. Fruit juice flavor was light but covered up any 7 aftertaste. At 30mg, taking two gave a real nice kick. Same with the other 30mg tabs, but the Jolts seemed to provide the most energy. Strawberry shortcake was my favorite flavored. Enjoyed when taken in the evening. Cherry Icee flavoring could have been a little stronger too but the effects were on par with the others. Bubbilicous Watermelon had a candy watermelon taste to it like jolly ranchers. I like more actual watermelon. Felt almost exactly same as the Cherries. The 90% powder, unfortunately, I'm not really vibing with. Again, I've been having hit or miss experiences with the 90% range lately. Not sure why but I'm getting the least amount of euphoria from them. Notice the effects less. Same here. I've heard good reviews though from others. Just didn't work as well for me personally. The last 90% range powders that really did it for me were the Mac n cheeses from KD and the Yellow Cake from 7OB.