AITA for reporting my guidance counselor?
Or I guess WIBTA
I (15F) am a sophomore in high school and I don’t know if I’m in the wrong for this. So backstory, I am currently going through treatment for thyroid cancer. I have a good prognosis according to my doctors, but I miss a lott of school for treatment. I also have been really anxious about going to school because I feel like everyone thinks of me as the sick girl and it’s weird… people asked if I wanted them to shave their head for me and like, no??
Anyway, because of everything I’ve been seeing my guidance counselor a lot. I didn’t really know her before all of this and at first she seemed really nice, but recently she’s been… mean I guess? But like not obviously, she’s been making comments about how I’m always in her office and taking up her time. And like I feel like she’s trying to intentionally make me feel guilty cause she’s the one who schedules all our sessions. She also told me that she didn’t think I’d be able to handle school and that maybe I should drop out and just get my GED later. That’s a weird comment, right? I actually have somehow managed to keep mostly As… I do have 1 B though in English. She also complained about how much work setting up at home tutoring for me is, cause my doctor was talking about setting it up cause chemo has been making me feel really gross. I also overheard her talking to another teacher about reporting my mom for truancy and having me removed from my house which honestly scares me. She can’t do that, can she?? I know when I first got sick it was a problem but we have doctors notes now
Anyway… I’m just thinking about trying to report her to someone or at least asking about switching to another counselor cause my school has three. But I don’t want to get her in trouble and when I was talking to some of my friends about it they said I was being dramatic and that my counselor was probably just venting because I am causing a lot of extra work for her. I don’t know what to do. WIBTA if I reported her?