AIO by wanting to end my relationship?

I’m 37 weeks pregnant and last night I went to the pub with my partner and his friends. We got there at 2pm and his friends left around 8pm and I asked him if we could leave too.

We walked out to the car with his friends and as we were walking towards the car we see his dad and his partner walking towards the pub. My partner promised on our son’s life that he will have one drink with his dad and then we’ll leave.

They all sat in the smokers area while I sat inside with his aunt who was drunk and was constantly touching my stomach and even my breasts saying that they will get bigger once I start breastfeeding.

At around 10pm his dad came and checked on me and said that I am more than welcome to go to their place and sleep in their spare bedroom (they live just down the road from the pub). I said thank you and let him know that I’m just going to drive home instead (we live 30 minutes from the pub). My partner did not want to leave with me and said he wanted to continue drinking with his dad and that he will just stay at his dads house.

I left and drove home and then at 12am I get a call from my partner asking me to pick him up. He was in the toilet and I could hear him vomiting and he said that he should’ve just left with me. I drive back down to the pub and pick him up and I let him know that I’m really disappointed.

Today, I let him know that I wasn’t happy and he said that he’s sorry and that he’s being punished for it because he’s got the worst hangover and he also said there’s not much else he can do.

Am I overreacting for being upset? It is making me question whether I want to stay in this relationship.