AIO friend was 11 days late to applying to an already late application that I had been texting and talking about?

My friends and I are all in college and decided we wanted to move in together for next year. In the area we’re in it’s next to impossible to find cheap housing so I knew to get on it quickly. I went to find housing October/november and managed to get a spot for an alright price. I got us #1 on the waitlist for a property something that’s super difficult. Obviously we were stoked about this but since this happened two of the roommates have only come to me about questions about the apartment. “When can we tour it” “what’s the application fee” “where is it” just a bunch of those questions. This didn’t bother me at the time because i was like “okay well their my friends I’ll just answer” the problem started when one of my future roommates kept telling me to find a room for his friend. The area we’re in pretty much only has 4 person units, finding a 5 person house is next to impossible unless you’re about to pay $1100 a month. Over weeks he kept saying find room for him and that “if we start looking we’ll find a house for sure”. We did not find a house, i secured the 4 person unit and instead of being hype and thankful he was still trying to get his boy (who never even applied to the reality’s waitlist despite being told for weeks) a place. Even going as far as asking me to try and secure two 3 person units next to each other. I complied with all of this until I made it clear it was too late to find another crib for 5 people. (This went on for a while) So, fast forward to 10 days ago and we found out our 24 hour opening for applying was sent to our spam folder 2 weeks before. Obviously this is worrying so I immediately got to calling and emailing the place, Something none of them have done for at least a month or since the first week. The place only calls/emails me because none of them have contacted the place, they have literally asked me every question they have instead of going to the website or trying to contact them themselves. Well I went into the office again because my parents and them were asking me when we were going to hear from them. So I go in and they say “if you got an application and signed it in 24hours your pretty much guaranteed a unit. I sent a message to the group chat that day and then texted him individually the next day. He had not gotten it done yet after I had been talking about this stuff at least twice a week for about 2 months