AITA for not wanting to be touched
I (17F) don’t have a great relationship with my mum. This specific incident happened a few days ago on the plane and I’m just here wondering if she’s right and this does make me an AH bc I didn’t think I was
Context: my parents got me diagnosed with autism earlier this year bc the school brought it up but they haven’t done anything about it since except use it to get me extra time on exams.
Now after some research I have worked out I think because of my autism I get quite uncomfortable with being touched by ppl unless I am initiating it so I have some sort of control. I don’t know this for certain but I know I do get uncomfortable with physical touch a lot.
On the flight my mum was rlly excited and kept like grabbing my arm and shaking it and just touching me in general so for the sake of peace I tried not to say anything initially but eventually it got to a point where she reached over me to give my sister something and she touched my arm and I flinched. It wasn’t on purpose or anything but bc she had been touching me the whole flight it just got too much in that moment.
She then blew up at me saying what is ur problem and here’s where my sister agrees I may b the AH bc rather than apologise and say it was an accident I said “sorry I don’t like being touched I didn’t do it on purpose” and it may have come across as me having an attitude but I only meant to explain why it happened.
Long story short she then got rlly upset and started claiming I was nasty to her and started having a go at me saying I had no right to treat her like that and she is still making comments days later saying I was nasty and insulted her so now I’m not sure if I was out of line or not.
AITA for not wanting my mum to touch me