How do y’all do 150 plus stops?
I had 158 stops yesterday and could only finish 144 and was 30 min late clocking out. I was running to these houses yo. I was in the hills trying my damnedest to finish but couldn’t. It had to be the area I was delivering. I just did 120 stops the other day an hour and a half early. I was back at the station by 7pm and started delivering at 12 noon. I should have been able to finish 38 extra stops in an hour n half but I couldn’t finish. It was only like 300 packages to I feel ashamed not finishing. How do y’all do the 28 totes I hear people talking about? It’s crazy I couldn’t finish on time. I hate that you have to take a lunch to it just drains me and makes me tired. I would work through lunch if the app let me. I also hate delivering in the dark it fucking blows.