Feline Urinary Blockage

I took my cat to a ER this Thursday because my cat was starting to pee like crazy, he’d stay in the litter box 5-10 minutes at a time and would go as frequently as every 30 minutes to every hour.

I took him in and they quoted me an X-ray, urinalysis, and sedation since he was super stressed and wouldn’t let anyone come near him other than my wife and myself(very slowly). X-rays came back showing he had crystals running all throughout the urethra and was blocked. The doctor mentioned he used a catheter to push the crystals back in the bladder, and expressed the cat until bladder wasn’t full anymore. He didn’t leave the catheter in for home care, he just used it to push the crystals to allow urine to pass. Essentially saving my cats life.

The doctor prescribed Gabapentin, Calvamox, Prazosin, and Hills Prescription C/D dry food. I spent all my savings on this vet visit and afterwards the doctor said that in case that he gets reblocked again he would need ER surgery. I’m super worried. I got all his medication, bought the food within minutes and he is eating it currently. This big fella does not miss a meal.

The reason for this post is, when I brought him home on Thursday he was peeing below normal amounts, but way more than straining and not being able to go at all. He is not straining but he is only peeing very small amounts. Yesterday I noticed he is still continuing peeing only a little bit but isn’t going as frequently. I want to assume this is a good sign because he isn’t so full in his bladder? But other than that he is fine, he seems more calm. He now is able to rest for an hour or two at a time and able to sun bathe but I can’t help but worry about the reblockage. How long do results in the prescriptions show up. I’m just worried worst case scenario of him needing surgery that I can’t afford currently. But he is still going strong, all medicines are given on time, and he is showing no signs of straining when going pee and only lasts about 8-15 seconds, compared to 5-10 minutes.