Free Hello Fresh boxes

I've got a bunch of free box codes available for any who want one.

They require that you've never had a Hello Fresh account before (although I assume if you just use a new email account that would work) and that you use a credit card to sign up. Once you receive the box, just go into your account settings and cancel the plan! (I've canceled before, it's very easy.)

Note that you will have to pay shipping, which is usually around $10.

I believe the way it works is this (But not 100% sure): If you sign up for the 4 meal plan for 4 people, then that's the free box you get, only pay shipping. If you sign up for 2 meal plan for 2 people, then that's the free box you get, etc. Just make sure to cancel after the first box.

If you want a code, just comment below and I'll DM you with the code! I'll update when all codes are gone.