Perspective on 120k vs 250k role offer

EDIT: thanks all. The general consensus that it’s not worth it in my situation is largely how I feel too. My partner also indicated he’d be slightly sad with me being away that much even if it accelerated our financial plans which sealed the “no go” deal.

Looking for some external perspective.

Currently an FTE in government on around 120k/yr in a stable role. This comes with all the usual gov role perks of not ridiculously stressful, reasonable hours etc. We are financially ok DINKs with mortgage about 180k remaining. Early 40s.

I have a contact offer that works out to 250k/yr + travel expenses working 42 weeks a year consulting to another gov dept interstate. Basically 3 weeks remote, 1 week on-site with some variation based on project needs. There have been several “16 hour days” and tight deadlines by the existing project team apparently. The project is multi year, likely a 3-5year gig.

The work will be similar but higher pressure and of course travel. Not a fan of frequent work travel it sucks. It’s contract too so stability is less.

Financially it’s a great offer. Lifestyle wise everything is pretty comfortable for us already as-is. We don’t spend a huge amount anyway. My main concern is when things get tough on the project the client will demand more on-site eg weeks at a time. I’ve seen it happen before. Also longer hours leading possible burnout.

Thought? What would you do?