PDA - Don’t fit into ASD community
I’ve known since he was an infant that my boy was different. Our family never fit into the NT world. I thought with the ASD diagnosis that we would finally find our people, but my child is still so different from his peers because of his PDA profile. He behaves and thinks so differently and even the RBT and BCBA seem in over their heads. My few mom friends of ASD kids cannot relate. I’m just feeling so defeated and alone especially after a really hard week. I don’t know the point of this post. To vent, to scream into the void, or maybe for one other parent to say they get it.
Edit: Just want to add that the parents in the ASD community are the most compassionate and welcoming people. This is not saying that they are not doing enough. Just saying I wish I could go into an ND space, see another parent and immediately connect over our similar struggles.