Stop telling me I’m having a boy!
I’m 32w pregnant and we’ve managed to keep baby’s gender a surprise so far! It’s really important to both my husband and I that we wait until birth for the big surprise
Well pretty much everyone I see (even complete strangers) will take one look at my belly and say that I’m definitely having a boy. Or they’ll ask me what the fetal heart rate is (135-145 usually) and say I’m having a boy
I’ll never admit it but I am secretly hoping for a girl, so maybe this is extra triggering for me. But if I say that we want to keep the baby’s gender a surprise, don’t tell me definitively that I “must” be having a boy by the heart rate, belly shape/height, “glow,” etc. I know they probably mean well but damn I kind of feel like our baby’s gender isn’t even a surprise anymore! I’ve received so many of these comments that I’ve pretty much lost all hope for a baby girl at this point
(I should mention that these comments are rarely made by a medical professional. Sometimes the occasional nurse, but never a doctor who has seen my NIPT/ultrasounds)
Update after posting: WOW thank you everyone for chiming in with your experiences! I’d also like to add that I don’t think I’ll be disappointed if we do have a boy. If I found out now at 32w, then maybe. But one of the reasons I want to wait until birth is because (like many have mentioned in the comments) I think it will be harder to feel any disappointment once the baby is actually here and laying on my chest! We are really happy with our decision to wait until birth. I just needed a place to vent about how annoying some of these comments have been, and I appreciate being able to let it out here :)