Breakup, now alone in a foreign country
Throwaway account.
So I'm (31/M) quite in a pickle to say the least, my first love (27/F) decided to break up with me last week. The emotional roller coaster I'm going through right now is gut wrenching painful. The girl who not too long ago hinted excitedly she wanted to get engaged and seal the deal made a 180 turn and just wanted to break it off. I will never understand how someone you love so dearly is able to switch off like that. My heart was set to be with this beautiful human rest of my life. We went through a 1,5 year LDR, we traveled to more countries then I could remember, the coronavirus, bought an apartment together, adopted cats... endless of precious moments. I just don't get it, 3 years together just to end up like this?
I quit my safe job, moved far away from my family, I simply packed my bag and just went. Towards a different country mind you. I was so thrilled moving to her, I got to be with my best friend, my soulmate, my corner pillar. I was ready to sacrifice anything to be with her.
Now I don't know what to do, go back to my home country or stay in the same city? Staying would be a challenge since this is "her" city, where lots of memories was made. I quite like it here however I do not know anyone and honestly I'm afraid of being alone. If I stay I have to move to a small cramped one room apartment as well which would be a super booster of feeling how alone I am. The chances of us getting back together is next to zero so I have no hopes there. However all I got is my family back home, it is assuring to be with them and they've been of great support softening the blow since the breakup but if I think ahead there's nothing else for me back there. Career wise I would be forced to start over if I go back. I like my current job here. My life just turned upside down and I feel so incredibly lost.
Has anyone gone through a breakup while living in a foreign country?