Sleep aid CBD? (Sleep Anxiety)

Hi all, so recently I've had a bit of an episode... I've always struggled with extreme anxiety, usually health anxiety. I overcome it after a what feels like a relapse, but this time it's been different. I've had sleep anxiety where before any event that night even basic things I've done before I often can't sleep until very late and end up needing something like benadryl to push me over the edge to sleep... I really don't want to keep doing that and I'm sick of anxiety running my life... I recently heard that CBD was a great anxiety cure and I was looking at maybe taking some a couple hours before bed to see if it could help me, but the issue is I have no idea where to start, where to go, what I need etc...I was hoping I could get a bit of educated info here and some recommendations on where to go I'd like to keep CBN out of it and do pure CBD but if CBN is required for sleep effects I'd be willing to try it, any and all help will be appreciated, thank you!