Physical Education Practicals

Guys, I'm doing dummy schooling and I've my physical education's practicals after a few days and I don't know what happens in that. I've completed my lab manual but what else? Do they make you run or exercise? Or they ask questions regarding sports?

Edit: So, my physical education's practical exams are over. They didn't ask me to do any physical work, I don't know why 🙂, they checked my practical notebook and ofc I forgot to write the index 😭 but no worries, they gave me time to write it. As for viva, I messed it up a little bit. The external asked me the most unique questions out of the whole textbook and I messed it up. I wasn't able to answer the first two questions, I asked the 3 questions correctly and in the 4th question, I panicked so I got stuck while saying, but somehow remembered the definition and said that. The external then asked me to leave and it was overall okay 😭👍