Mastermind Tactics redesigned specialist belt quick review- literally just a Tenicor Zero at half cost
For those who don't know, Mastermind Tactics (the company known for the gun pillows) redesigned their specialist belt in the past few months to be a tension lock system (no velcro). It's literally the exact same type of thing as a Tenicor Zero except the sizing. If you already have a Zero then go 6" up and it should be pretty comparable. Measure your waist with a tape measurer and go 2" up for the MM belt.
I picked up the standard rigidity and I'm kinda disappointed, but only because I already have a Zero. The MM belt feels like the tenicor dipped in water. It's simply not rigid enough in the vertical dimension. The Tenicor is like the least amount of rigidity you can get away with, the MM belt is SLIGHTLY worse which disqualifies it for heavier setups imo. It did great with my G43x & 407k, if your setup looks like that then go for it. But if you're trying to do sidecar spare 20rd mag comped g19x with an SRO & X300 or some crazy shit then definitely stay away.
The tension lock is a really good system, easy infinite micro adjust. The belts work the exact same and that's the crux of what I'm about to get at.
Tenicor Zero's are $80 and never in stock. The MM belt is $32.99. If you just want the tension lock system and your load is light, stop looking for a Zero and pick this thing up yesterday. The ~10% extra rigidity I'm experiencing is not worth over 200% in cost. To be honest I wouldn't even use a Zero for the 19x setup I explained above, so both belts kinda fit the bill for what they should be used for.
Both belts have a heavy option. I made the mistake of going with the more flexible MM belt this time. I will 100% be buying the more rigid MM specialist belt ($40) instead of looking for a Zero Heavy ($90?? why?). Good on them for delivering what the people want at not rip-off prices.
TL;DR get a Mastermind Tactics belt. With them you get what you pay for, but with Tenicor you pay double for what you get.
Couple more edits to make this a more holistic than a single pointed review: I feel like the 10% less rigidity on the MM is traded in for 10% more comfort. It moves with my body slightly better than the Tenicor. Price aside, if you're carrying a micro 9 I'd probably lean towards the MM belt. I even managed to carry a P10c w/ 407c & TLR7 HLX on the MM belt but there was some sagging going on and if I kept it on for a few more hours I'd expect discomfort/printing to increase. I had better luck with that setup on the Tenicor, although neither are truly ideal. Both belts are made in the USA and should reach you in about a week. I read on their website that MM tactics won't take back a worn belt, this is a big con and Tenicor has the absolute best policy on returns/exchanges of any company I've ever come across in my life. They both have the chemically hardened tail. The MM belt is a little bit thicker with larger stiching, it's just softer overall which all lends to comfort over rigidity. The MM belt comes with a keeper and they actually recommend that you use the belt opposite of a Zero (extra tail stays on the outside, keeper keeps it all together). I disregarded those instructions because I'm so used to adjusting the Zero and I just use my belt like a Zero, ignoring the keeper.