37 years-old male, diagnosed 2 years ago.

I just thought to look for this group, there's a reddit for every thing, right? I was diagnosed two years ago. I had a bout with sepsis, and my numbers didn't level back out. After digging around for a few months we out what was hiding in my blood. Roughly 98٪ of it.

They started me on Gleevec with spectacular results. My saturation dropped to 1%. I fought the side effects as long as I could, the primary of which for me was nausea, vomiting, spasms, and cramps. I forgot to drink my second bottle of water one night and went straight to sleep after taking my medication. I woke up at 3 a.m. in the middle of vomiting and had barely made it to my restroom before the debilitating stomach spasms started. My wife had to call an ambulance for me that night.

I swapped to Sprycel not long after. We just couldn't effectively counteract the nausea. When I use the restroom now, there's a pain in my lower left abdomen that persists until in done dedicating. I'm convinced I'll live with it for the rest of my life. Things are going better now. We check my bcr-abl on the 27th of this month to see what Sprycel's effectiveness is.

I'm a stubborn man, a plumber by trade, and used to not going to physicians. I'm accustomed to working in situations and conditions that others would consider unacceptable. My life has been turned on its head. I'm new, and I'm lost, and having one incredibly difficult time of this. I'm hoping this group can help me address some of these things. Thanks to anyone who read.

TL;DR: New guy, sad story, need help.