Low estradiol/FSH/LH with TKIs?

Hey all! I’m a 37-year-old woman who was diagnosed with CML in December 2020 (what a great year!). I’ve been in remission/undetectable since about February 2022. Started on Gleevec, but switched to Tasigna after 6 months due to intense fatigue and cramping, and switched to Bosulif a few months ago due to migraines on Tasigna.

Had some blood draws recently because I was complaining of some issues with suddenly non-existent libido and it turns out that I have “almost no estradiol” per my GYN and very little FSH and LH. He tested for prolactin levels, which were normal, but he said I may have a pituitary adenoma or damage to my hypothalamus from my meds. My oncologist said neither of these are listed among known side effects of any of the meds I’ve taken for CML. She’s referred me to an endocrinologist, but I was curious to see if any of you have experienced anything similar? Feeling very stressed about this because dang, what else can go wrong??