New therapist fired me just 12 minutes into the first session.
Session with new therapist lasted just 12 minutes before she fired me
I have PTSD. This was the first session and the therapist claims to be trauma informed and to have 11 years experience with CPTSD.
She asked me if I’ve had therapy before, and when I said I have her whole demeanour changed.
I said the previous therapy had helped and that the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with CPTSD recommended longer term therapy for me. This set her off. She said if I really “only” had CPTSD I’d be symptom free by now as I’ve already had a few therapy sessions in the past. She kept saying “are you sure there’s not an additional diagnosis that they’ve missed? CPTSD is very easy to cure and if that’s all you had, the trauma would be desensitised and you’d be cured by now.”
When I told her that I found her comments a little concerning. She immediately fired me. 12 minutes into the session.
This individual claims to be a trauma-informed PTSD specialist and she claims 11 years professional experience.
We are in England, so there’s no licensing here. I got her info from a charity for childhood sexual abuse survivors. However, I’ve been unable to find any online presence for her at all — no website, no LinkedIn, no Facebook. I suppose she could be using a different name or something.
Her conduct has seriously put me off therapy now.
Is CPTSD really expected to be healed and gone after a handful of therapy sessions?