Litter box issues
I need help with my cat and her litter box. I have done everything I can to try to keep the litter area clean. I have done the cat cabinet route to keep the litter contained. Which still resulted in the litter ending up all over the bathroom floor and the bathroom still smelling. I have now had the Litter robot 3 for a few weeks. I make sure it isn’t overfilled with litter and it is still causing litter to get ALL OVER the bathroom floor and sometimes it seems to even launch my cat’s poop out of the litter box? I have two bathrooms but I never want to use the one the contains the litter due to the smell and how dirty it gets. I don’t know what else to do at this point.
Any recommendations for foods that keep her poop from smelling as much? As well as some trouble shooting that may cause the litter robot to make such a mess (the litter is below the fill line already)?