Investigating truthfulness of Thaddeus' last words (Private Thread)

Ever since Thaddeus was gone, his last words were haunting Tails. Surely, in the beginning he reassured himself that these were just insane words of a dying man, but, a few days have passed, and he started having nightmares. Nightmares about him drowning over and over again, him seeing entire cities hundreds of meters underwater. That's when he became really concerned. He didn't want to see another world destroyed, so decided to see the truth with his own eyes.

Tails descends into his secret lab, passes many rooms before he reaches probably his most important possession - the Time Machine. He types in a date for a few months forward into the console and prepares to step into his machine, getting ready to finally see if his nightmares and what Thaddeus has said is true.

Ever since Thaddeus was gone, his last words were haunting Tails. Surely, in the beginning he reassured himself that these were just insane words of a dying man, but, a few days have passed, and he started having nightmares. Nightmares about him drowning over and over again, him seeing entire cities hundreds of meters underwater. That's when he became really concerned. He didn't want to see another world destroyed, so decided to see the truth with his own eyes.

Tails descends into his secret lab, passes many rooms before he reaches probably his most important possession - the Time Machine. He types in a date for a few months forward into the console and prepares to step into his machine, getting ready to finally see if his nightmares and what Thaddeus has said is true.