I love Chennai but extremely sad at its current state
[Rant/Musings] I didn't grow up in Chennai but I've always had a connection to it as my entire family is from Chennai. I lived here for multiple years after school and loved it (the people, the city). I then left to study abroad 15 years ago and have been coming back to visit regularly. This year I traveled to other major cities in India as well and I was shocked at what I saw. Tremendous development of infrastructure (roads, transportation etc.), Places to hangout and eat etc. Even something as simple as Uber worked better (no one called to ask for more money). Though I love Chennai it's exactly like how it was when I left. Nothing changed (except for metro). In fact I used to see AC public buses before and now I don't. It's just sad. It's a classic example of what happens to a city when the people governing it are completely uneducated and useless. 2 days of rain shook the city because this government is giving approvals left right and center to builders to build whenever the fcuk they want. People who are not well to do suffer the most. I am not saying other cities are perfect. Every city has it's basket of issues but having lived in a few of those I've seen real change.
Thanks for reading my rant.