What is the most underwhelming spell graphic in the game? The kind you barely notice in teamfights

So we have all kinds of epic, flashy spells that make casters and spectators scream "BLACK HOOOLE" or "CHRONOSPHERE". Everyone notices these epic flashy spells.

What about the opposite? The spells that most of the time nobody even realises was casted. The poor sad heroes that usually get no recognition for these spells. What spells fall under this category?

My vote goes to shadow demon's demonic purge.

It is by far the most unnoticeable spell in teamfights, there is barely a graphic animation for it, it is so subtle. I can't think of a single ultimate ability that looks as underwhelming as this because usually ultis look really epic (can anyone think of an ultimate ability that is more subtle in graphics than this?)\

So what are the other forgotten/overlooked spells?