was i right to narcan her?

was at a local rave and noticed an acquaintance i made friends with earlier in the night was slumped on a couch in the corner. at first i thought she was taking a trap nap, normal. but others had mentioned they were also watching her, and that she hadn’t moved in 20 minutes- yet nobody checked her. i first tried to let her know i was there by rubbing her knee and move all the hair from her face but she wasn’t responding. shaking her, yelling, moved her head to an upright position, and a heavy sternum rub wasn’t working; she wasn’t responding to anything or anyone. i gave my narcan to the person she was there with who administered it and within minutes she was thankfully upright and responsive.

i guess the only reason i’m questioning it is when she woke up she looked offended at us and said “but i’m not on opioids??” i’m not sure if she was using any other substances throughout the night, she said she hadn’t. she left shortly after in the care of others. was i right to let him narcan her?

edit: thank you so much everyone for reassuring me i did the right thing. i realize now i was definitely right no matter what she said when she woke up. i can’t believe i gaslit myself into thinking i may have been wrong in doing it? i’ve carried narcan with me for about 3 years now and have never had to use it until last night. she really scared me! but now i’m confident in taking control should another incident arise.