Is it bad to spend coins on SBCs?
From what I’ve heard when playing I’ve been told that spending coins on sbcs is generally ‘bad’ and I should use fodder
I don’t have enough fodder to finish stam and am gonna have to spend 600k+. Is this bad or should I just not do? I wanna stick him into the evo and have a solid cb for weeks to come. Bonus points as I’m a united fan.
Also gonna try and get WW hazard with the leftover coins (or anyone that fits LM inside forward++).
Any help? Should I still complete the sbc even with the coin loss? Thanks
From what I’ve heard when playing I’ve been told that spending coins on sbcs is generally ‘bad’ and I should use fodder
I don’t have enough fodder to finish stam and am gonna have to spend 600k+. Is this bad or should I just not do? I wanna stick him into the evo and have a solid cb for weeks to come. Bonus points as I’m a united fan.
Also gonna try and get WW hazard with the leftover coins (or anyone that fits LM inside forward++).
Any help? Should I still complete the sbc even with the coin loss? Thanks