Recommend me a Spellslinger that doesn’t want to win in one big turn…

Hello all,

I’d love to play a Spellslinger deck that slings a couple of spells a turn but isn’t aiming for the huge explosive turn to win out of nowhere.

I’d like to stay relevant in the game and still have it go for the 10-12 or so turns a normal game does.

I also want to run [[Geistflame Reservoir]] as I really like cards like that.

  • I’ve thought about [[Mizzix of the Izmagnus]] but she seems to want to go the one big turn route.

  • [[Zaffai]] seems cool encouraging bigger spells, but he might only want to cast one spell a turn, not gonna get many counters on the Reservoir that way.

I can’t really think of another except for maybe [[Alania]] from Bloomburrow.

Please sell me, cheers!