What to build around a Voltron strategy?


I want to combine [[The Eleventh Doctor]] with [[Leela, Sevateem Warrior]] for a Voltron strategy in casual: The Doctor can make himself or Leela unblockable. Afterwards i play a symmetrical windfall so all my opponents draw 7 cards, resulting in Leela being 24/24. So far, so simple. There are like 6 of these windfalls, and some cards for extra combat or double strike as well for Backup.

The question is: What should i build around this combo? As it is very much self sustained, what chassis fits best?

A enchantment strategy with pillowforts like [[Propaganda]] for defenses and maybe stuff like [[Nettlecyst]] as backup kill option?

A +1/+1 counter strategy with cards like [[Reluctant Role Model]] to keep the counters even if Leela dies?

Or something entirely different? I dont want to go the way of "windfall, but my opponents can only draw 1 card".

I m not sure and be grateful for ideas.