What’s up with the “far-left want healthcare and the far-right want to kill” argument?

I’m not defending the far-right by any means, but this is an argument I’ve heard more times than once from commies or other far-left fanatics. They usually make it to dog on centrists who “can’t tell the difference” and try to make a complex concept black and white.

I just find it very disingenuous and not at all a fair comparison. Healthcare is pretty moderate and not at all extreme. And again, not defending the far-right. They definitely do have a history of murder. But so do the far-left.

Healthcare should have a more fair comparison like “left wants healthcare and right wants lower taxes” or some shit like that. A more extreme comparison would be “far-left wants to kill [insert scapegoat here] while far-right wants to kill [insert scapegoat here]” or something like that.

Why do they keep using that dogshit argument?