Vicious cycle trying to place credit freeze

So placed credit freezes with Experian and Transunion within minutes. Equifax, on the other hand, has been an effort of futility. Online failed verification and was told to call. Called and danced around their call tree but that required verification. After the fifth call I figured it out and finally got on hold for an agent. Twice I tried and was disconnected both times while on hold (after the exact same amount of time so its sus to me). Amazing to me that a company that controls so much of our lives can be like this but then I suppose that is why they can.

So, does anyone have any tips on how to reach them and actually reach an agent to get my freeze placed?

Also, if you have experience with them is this the effort I will have to put into lifting the freeze?


EDIT: SOLVED. My issue was using a VPN. Many thanks to ZebediahAintGotTime for the solution!