My Brother Who I Thought Was Safe Invalidated My Trauma and Misgendered My Trans Son

I’m thinking about blocking my brother and cutting ties for good, but I need advice on whether I’m making the right decision.

For context, I come from a family that has consistently invalidated my struggles. When I was 19 and pregnant, I was forced into a homeless shelter because my mother denied me housing. Years later, my family acts like it never happened, and anytime I try to bring it up, they dismiss it. So I bascially went NC with a majority of my family including my mother (who told me to my face I couldn't stay in her house while preganant).

Recently, I had a conversation with my brother (who’s currently incarcerated) and asked him why he thinks my family refuses to acknowledge what happened to me. Instead of support, he basically told me to "move on" because other people "have it worse." I felt completely invalidated.

On top of that, I confided in him that I’m an atheist (my family is devoutly Christian), and he accused me of being a devil worshiper. Then, I told him my son is trans, even though my son didn’t want me to share that with my family. (I deeply regret violating his trust) My brother misgendered him and said he "just needs to get used to calling him he" but still referred to my son as "she."

I got really emotional, started crying, and told him he was invalidating me. He gaslight me the whole time and pretty much disarmed me to feeling like I was overreacting. Eventually, we moved past it, but now, looking back I should have stood my ground. This isn't the first time after being NC I've tried to talk to family members who I am low contact with about my past with the family. Everyone basically coddles my mother because she is mentally ill but I am too. The only difference is my whole family thinks I'm the smartest one in the family and always praises me for my intelligence and creativity and thinks somehow that's the only thing that matters. I believe that's why they made me live in a homeless shelter because I failed to bring pride to the family and be the first to graduate college from our family. I failed to be the great hope for them even though they don't realize the reason I failed is because they failed me by neglecting me in the most vulnernable time of my life.

I used to think my brother was my safe person in the family, but now I’m realizing he’s just as ignorant as the rest. I feel like I should block him and move on, but part of me is wondering if I’m overreacting.

TL;DR: I went no contact with most of my family after they neglected me during my pregnancy, forcing me into a homeless shelter. Recently, I spoke with my incarcerated brother, who I thought was a safe person, but he dismissed my trauma, told me to "move on," accused me of devil worship for being an atheist, and misgendered my trans son. He gaslit me, and I felt manipulated into thinking I was overreacting. Looking back, I realize he invalidated me just like the rest of my family, who coddle my mother despite her neglect. I’m debating whether to block him and move on or give him another chance. Am I overreacting? What would you do?