Advice For New Sellers
So you saw a TikTok about how someone made $10k selling mugs and thought, “I can do that!” Well, buckle up, because this Etsy game is not the quick, easy cash grab you think it is.
First off, if your grand business plan involves slapping Mickey Mouse on a mug or Elsa on a T-shirt, congratulations, you're on the fast track to a cease and desist from Disney. IP infringement isn't cool, and Etsy doesn’t play. Your shop will be shut down faster than you can say "Let it Go."
Second, the "just-saw-it-on-TikTok" crowd is flooding Etsy with overdone, oversaturated markets. Jewelry, crystals, resin art—it's a bloodbath out there. Everyone and their neighbor is selling rose quartz necklaces “infused with positive energy”. Originality? Never heard of her, apparently.
Here’s the deal: people love personalization. They want something unique that screams, “Look, Karen, it has my name on it.” So, quit copy-pasting ideas and put some effort into creating a product that stands out.
Also, let’s get one thing straight: this is a business, not a hobby. That means treating it like one. Learn the basics. For instance, do you know how much your product costs to make? Down to the last cent? No? Materials, shipping supplies, fees—it all adds up. Your profit isn’t just "whatever’s left over.”
SEO (that's search engine optimization for the uninitiated) isn’t a mythical unicorn; it’s how people find your shop. Learn how to use it. Throwing “crystal, boho, witchy vibes” in your tags isn’t going to cut it.
And please, for the love of Etsy, invest in your shop’s presentation. Decent photos, clear descriptions, and shipping policies aren’t optional—they’re the bare minimum. Oh, and respond to your customers like you care. Customer service can make or break you. Be professional, even when a Karen accuses you of ruining her life because her custom mug arrived a day late.
Finally, this is a marathon, not a sprint.You’re not going to retire on Day 1. Put in the work, be patient, and for heaven’s sake, stop copying everyone else. Originality and effort will get you way further than TikTok hype ever will.
That’s all. Now go update your listings!