New bro content for 2 players?

Looking around I'm having issues finding content for 2 players. I'm still learning the game from the ground up but doing missions together seems like a bit of a waste since its already super easy even solo and we are splitting the rewards now and making it even easier.

mining together was a bit boring since its just mining. we ended up just watching a movie while mining. no really engaging coop gameplay.

Exploration seems like it could be fun but neither of us have the skills trained yet to do this and we are both new so idk if this is a good coop activity.

I know about faction warfare but we are looking for pve options for alpha clones.

I'm just wondering if there is content designed in the game for a low player count. does this game have the equivalent of dungeons for 2 players? or missions that are not the easiest thing in the world? I notice when flying about some parts of space are contested by enemy factions. Is there anything to do in these spaces that would be fun for 2 players?