"Immortality is bad" - A response to the persistent topic in media

"Some things can only end in death!" -The Immortal, Invincible, S3E4

I always find discussions of "why immortality is bad" in media...disagreeable. I think only Rick and Morty has convinced me "not dying" could be awful if it works in the worst way.

That said....I'd absolutely be immortal so long as I knew people would exist for eternity. Not necessarily humanity, but people. Society. Something to fufill that need for that social part of Maslow's HON.

I want to see what happens next, much how The Orville ends their discussion on this subject, sure. But more than that, I fear death.

Death is terrifying to me. More than anything, as it's supposed to be. But most people are able to cope, through religion, ignorance, or true acceptance.

I don't know if I can ever find that true acceptance. I don't know if I can do anything but rage and scream in terror as I inevitably fade from this universe...and I don't think there's anything on the other side. I think, and hope to be wrong on, that we don't have souls. We are nothing but the electrical signals in our brain. By some sheer fucking miracle in a universe of endless randomness...we existed. Like this............it's funny how saying that now makes me think of how the universe was created. How did it all come to be? Is time a circle? Who knows...and it's thoughts like that I know are only copium to deal with the terrifying reality we all face.

I remember when a middle school friend/crush completely changed her look to goth overnight. It threw me for such a loop. And of course, here I am now. And I always think "oh, it's just an aesthetic. The obsession with death part is just a stereotype and gatekeeping." And yet, as much as my demeanor exhibits otherwise (or so I feel), I am constantly and endlessly obsessed with death. Just not in the way you might think.

It's all that and more that makes me thankful for each day. For being able to exist in this time. Would better be...better? Well fuck yes. I still think I was born a century or more early assuming we get our shit together. But like...I exist. Here and now. It's a blessing to know that I get to enjoy life. To enjoy so much art and creativity. Technology. Food. Drinks. Experiences....experiences that also fade, and I won't get to do again. What I wouldn't give to go over it all again with my knowledge now. As would anyone I'm sure.

I don't believe immortality, under my set circumstances, would be hell. I don't think I'd grow weary of seeing everyone I care for die over and over and over. They leave an imprint on me. Our experiences, our connections, our interactions, from the very furthest stranger to a life long partner...all of it is us imprinting on each other. Leaving our mark on the world's people. Butterfly effect and all that.

How could I ever grow tired of such an amazing connection like that?

And yet, that is the blessing and curse of existence. Of sentience.

We exist...and then we do not.

We experience...and then we fade.

We connect...and then we leave.