Why are FORM attendees so trashy?

To preface this, I want to re-iterate that I'm very impressed with Form. It's my favorite music event of the year and I'm extremely grateful to the organizers for putting this together despite what I'm sure is a minuscule profit margin. That said, I have a big issue with this festival and I'm curious how many others share the sentiment.

I've been lucky enough to meet and spend time with many of the residents of Arcosanti over the years, and many of them are amazed at how careless Form attendees can be with their trash.

Does everyone here realize that Arcosanti is a full time living space for many people? We're effectively partying in their living room for three days and during this process we're actively degrading the quality of the space. Some of this is unavoidable with such a large crowd (grass getting trampled, some plants near the ground taking a beating), but some of it is completely avoidable, specifically the proliferation of garbage around the site.

After each set in the Amphitheater I was amazed to see the volume of trash left all over the place. Trash and recycling receptacles were present around the site and easy to find, but it's clear that a significant portion of attendees preferred to simply litter their trash without any concern for the aesthetics of the space, their fellow attendees or the residents who live there.

And yes, there are staff paid to pick up this trash, but guess who they are? Residents of Arcosanti! And they're being paid very little for their services.

Can you imagine how the residents of Arcosanti must feel when Form, a festival supposedly touting the virtues of sustainability and positivity comes to Arcosanti, a location well known for it's decades long dedication to eco-idealist living, and they're tasked with cleaning up the massive piles of trash that we leave behind every single day.

It's fucking rude and unnecessary. There's no good excuse for this behavior and it makes us appear to the residents of Arcosanti as entitled, non-thinking, garbage generating simpletons. A decidedly uncouth look!

I should also mention the amount of trash left behind in the camping area. Monday morning was a sight to behold down in the field. Shade structures, tents, sleeping bags and countless bags of trash were left behind for someone else to deal with...

What would it take to change the culture at Form into a leave-no-trace event? Or at the very least encourage attendees to simply deposit their personal trash into appropriate receptacles instead of dumping it carelessly all around the property?

I think a little bit of messaging from the Form organizers around this, perhaps short announcements requesting a small amount of audience participation in keeping the place clean would go a long way.

Maybe we can keep this in mind for next year?