Metallic looking spheres assigned to particular areas?
In the spring of 2024 I accidentally photographed a pair of metallic spheres (pic 1). Within moments of that I heard 2 ascending high pitched sounds, different frequencies. When the sounds matched in frequency I felt a very very painful zap in my ear. Turned out my eardrum had been punctured (I believe from the frequency and strength of the tone). I still wonder if the zap was an aggressive response to being photographed, it’s not the first time I was given an auditory ‘heads up’ by a uap. In the other case the auditory warning was not painful but I didn’t wait to see if it would get worse, I deleted the pic immediately.
Sooo I accidentally photographed the lovely pair from pic 1 again a couple of weeks ago (see pic 2). It was in the same area but I caught something different this time. It appears as though one of the spheres is in the process of emitting an electrical charge? Beam? Wave? Not sure but it looks like electricity.
Hmm…More to ponder and speculate 🤔