Is the FUNNEL concept dead on Facebook?

Maybe I am just so confused at this point, but I really do not understand how to make a funnel on Facebook anymore (other than collecting emails and emailing them later).

If reach, awareness, traffic and even add to cart campaigns are useless, how do you run campaigns for the top of the funnel?

And if lookalikes and exclusions have stopped working (they basically did after iOS14, but now seem to be completely dead), how do you run campaigns for the top of the funnel?

And if retargeting is dead (again, iOS14, but even worse recently - Plus FB already abusively retargets the heck out of ANYONE that shows even the slightest interest in my brand. And this is in standard sales campaigns), how do you run campaigns for the bottom of the funnel?

The general consensus is to create one CBO campaign with one ad set and 3-5 ads. Do we just do this and let Facebook manage the funnel? It seems that Facebook ONLY targets the same small pool at the bottom of the funnel. Or is the ENTIRE funnel based on ad creative diversity (which seems like a WILD shot in the dark to find new audiences).

I have spent $500k on Facebook (which should be a tiny amount given the size of Facebook) but it seems like everyone that Facebook thinks should see my brand already has. I am really at a loss for how to find new people and scale at a profitable ROAS.