Transitioning from Carpenter -> Cyber, with a degree from SANS.
I'm 30 years old and a carpenter. I have an unrelated BA degree (Communications) and basically zero work related IT experience. But I have wanted to pursue a career in cyber but always talked myself out of it for various reasons. Turning 30 years old and feels like time is flying by and I should at least give a real attempt before it's too late. If I fail, the nail and hammer will always be there.
I know this degree is quite expensive ($40k) and it seems most people here claim they would never pay for it themselves. But most of those people probably already have good jobs or an employer willing to pay for it. I have none of those things. So I'll have to pay full price out of pocket, which... is what it is I guess.
This program claims to have quite a high employment rate (93% employed in a cyber security role) which seems pretty damn good to me. Go to a normal university and pay $30k and not have a job/support, or pay $40k with SANS and have high chance of being employed in the field within 6 months of graduating.
I'm having doubts about... well everything. Is this course/degree really enough to get in the door somewhere? I'd like to network with people but I should mention I don't live in a tech hub or anything like that (Louisville, KY) but willing to relocate if given the option. I'm not expecting a six-figure role right out of the gate, but maybe something like $50k-60k? Is that reasonable?
I feel like with my previous degree I got scammed by my university promising all these jobs/success stories and then nothing really being there. I really don't want to experience that again with SANS and hope that is not the case.
I read through quite a bit of posts on this sub regarding this degree. Most of the people already had experience in the field. Others said "I'm doing it now, will update when I finish" and then nothing.