For the people brave enough to try something that's never been done
I have an idea, but it requires many people to pull it off. I'm reading what's being posted, and I can see very clearly there are people that want their voice heard in this, much like myself. So here's my idea... a physical protest was attempted but there weren't enough people, and that was a big issue. Everyone involved that was watching, you saw that Pink Pony was barred from entering which silenced what little support showed up.
However, if there's a way to do what I've wanted to for a long time... the issue of people physically not being able to join will not be an issue. What I propose is a cyber-protest. If you notice the media as well as regular people pay much more attention to public spectacles than they do what's truly important. Everyone has the ability to do this. You have a voice, now let's use them... Make a video, your own video using your own words.
Don't be snarky, I know that's tempting but don't because that cheapens the message and gives her more fuel to claim she's a victim. No bullying remarks, be as creative as you like and make certain you get your point across. The way to combat a lie, is to weaponize a truth. So in a civil way pick the things that stand out to you the most that you know is a lie, and give the receipts to back it up.
If you're not sure whether something is just heresy and you can't find the proof for it, I'd suggest maybe picking something different. There are nearly endless choices seeing as she lies just as easily as Gacy. The point of my idea is if we can make a situation where there are tons of people and use hashtags so all of our efforts are easily able to be found and seen.
As individuals, she was able to shut people down and silence a few but, if there are too many people for her to silence she won't have a chance at silencing all of us, one person versus all of us is a fruitless battle for the one person. If you're brave enough and feel okay doing so share your own story, share your pain, your trauma, and what you went through and why it is unacceptable for her to lie about these things.
Right now she is making both Dee Dee and Nicholas look like monsters, but on a much larger scale. So... are you going to stand up for Nick and Dee Dee, do you want to have their backs? Then let's do so. She needs to be taught a lesson, and people need to know who she truly is. The more garbage that comes out of her mouth the more destruction she causes.
If we all work as a team with this, there's not a chance she can shut every single one of us up. If you can get the creators she's harassed and tried to shut down with her copyright strikes see if they want to get on board and use their platforms. Just a simple video, containing evidence that proves that she is the monster in this fairy tale. She's the bitter, jealous, villain... she is NOT the beautiful, sweet, innocent princess that needed to be rescued.
If you've read this far and would like to give this at least a shot, I'm open to suggestions. If you have an idea that will add to the strength of this message, I'm all ears. So, anybody? Either way, I'm still game. Keep in mind, it's important this does not turn into a roast, this is for the truth, this is to be a foil to her... The Michael to her Lucifer. This is us saying we're not going to tolerate this mockery of real victims anymore, and the book was the straw that broke the camel's back. Ideas? Suggestions? Give it some thought.