[USA-WA] [H] Variety (US/PAL) Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, Sega Items [W] PayPal or Venmo
Yo, if you see anything you may be interested in or have any questions for, let me know. Will be transparent and show and tell what I can about any item. Pictures will be provided as requested and before purchase.
Basic quote on shipping ($4 minimum) EVERYTHING will be insured.
Offers will be considered on a case by case basis, such as to account for condition, bundles, etc.
*I will guarantee at least a 7-12% discount on what the prices are listed as.
N 3ds Asphalt 3d $9.00 CIB Untested Imperfections
N 3ds Fast and furious showdown $11.00 CIB Untested Plastic scratches
N 3ds Lets ride best in breed 3d $5.00 Loose Untested
N 3ds Yoshis new island nintendo selects $18.00 CIB Untested
N 64 Bass hunter 64 $9.00 Loose Untested
N 64 Fighters destiny $13.00 Loose Untested Label wear, stamped
N 64 Hey you pikachu $9.00 Loose Untested
N 64 Ken Griffey jrs slugfest $13.00 Loose Untested
N 64 Nba live 99 $3.00 Loose Untested
N 64 Yoshis story $24.00 Loose Untested
N amiibo (Mario) Mario $4.00 Loose Tested
N ds Cesar millans dog whisperer $4.00 CIB Untested
N ds Enchanted $6.00 Loose Untested
N ds Imagine babyz $3.00 Loose Untested
N ds Imagine fashion designer $3.00 Loose Untested
N ds Marker man adventures $5.00 Loose Untested
N ds My pet chimp $2.00 CIB Untested
N ds Paws and claws dogs and cats best friends $4.00 Loose Untested
N ds Petz nursery 2 $7.00 CIB Untested
N gameboy Jeopardy sports edition $8.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy Nba all star challenge 2 $8.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy Play action football $22.00 CIB (-plastic) Untested Scuffed box
N gameboy advance Barbie 12 dancing princesses $13.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy advance Barbie diaries high school mystery $6.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy advance Barbie groovy games $5.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy advance Franklin the turtle $5.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy advance Lets ride dreamer $4.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy advance Lizzie McGuire 2 $6.00 Loose Untested
N gameboy advance Virtua tennis $6.00 Loose Untested
N gamecube 3rd party silver controller $15.00 Controller Untested Imperfections
N gamecube Indigo gamecube + av cord $40.00 Console, Av cord Parts/Repair General issues
N nes Super mario bros $17.00 Loose Untested
N snes Madden 96 $6.00 Loose Untested Dirty
N switch A hat in time $38.00 CIB Tested Scratch on case plastic
N switch Demon gaze extra day one edition $53.00 Sealed New
N switch Full set case $12.00 Case Tested
N switch Galgun 2 $27.00 CIB Tested Residue on case plastic
N switch Ghost 1.0 + unepic collection $40.00 Sealed New
N switch Ni no kuni 2 revenant kingdom $20.00 Sealed New
N switch Pikmin 3 deluxe $47.00 Sealed New
N switch Sam and max save the world limited run box $10.00 Slipcover box Parts/Repair Scuffed
N switch Small mario themed case $3.00 Case Tested
N switch Tokyo dark remembrance $40.00 Sealed New
N switch Trine 5 $27.00 CIB Tested Residue on case plastic
N switch Untitled goose game $28.00 Sealed New
N switch Yellow / blue joycons pair + straps $40.00 Controller Tested
N wii [CD] Super mario galaxy official soundtrack $12.00 CD & Sleeve Untested Disc wear
N wii Need for speed the run $17.00 Sealed New Minor plastic wear
N wii Spiderman friend or foe $7.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
N wii u Animal crossing amiibo festival $18.00 Sealed New
N wii u Animal crossing amiibo festival $18.00 Sealed New
N wii u Animal crossing amiibo festival $18.00 Sealed New
N wii u Animal crossing amiibo festival $18.00 Sealed New
N wii u Animal crossing amiibo festival $18.00 Sealed New
N wii u Animal crossing amiibo festival $18.00 Sealed New
N wii u Pikmin 3 nintendo selects $14.00 CIB Untested
Ps1 007 tomorrow never dies $5.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Agile warrior f-111x $6.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Bowling $5.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Bugs bunny lost in time $19.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Colony wars disc 2 $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Dragon tales dragon seek $2.00 Manual Untested Scuffs
Ps1 Driver $8.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Driver 2 $8.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Final fantasy ix disc 2+3 $5.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Hotwheels turbo racing $9.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Interactive sampler disc vol 10 $10.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Jet moto 3 $7.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Mat hoffmans pro bmx $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Mtv celebrity deathmatch $11.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Nhl 2000 $4.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Pizza hut demo cd nfr $10.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Playstation magazine issue 23 $10.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Red demo disc $10.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Tomb raider last revelation $14.00 CIB Untested
Ps1 Urban chaos $10.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Vip $7.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps1 Weakest link $3.00 Loose Untested
Ps1 Xena warrior princess $11.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps2 007 agent under fire greatest hits $6.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Cars $7.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Dragon ball z $10.00 Game, Case Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Harvest moon save the homeland manual + cover art $5.00 Manual, Cover art Tested
Ps2 Metropolismania $7.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Mortal kombat armageddon $11.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Nfl gameday 2003 $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Resident evil outbreak file 2 $35.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Ps2 Shin megami tensei digital devil saga $23.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Assassins creed ii $7.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Battlefield 4 greatest hits $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps3 Ben 10 galactic racing $12.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Bioshock infinite $3.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps3 Brave $8.00 Loose Untested Disc scratches
Ps3 Cabelas survival shadows of katmai $6.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Dead rising 2 $6.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Dj hero $6.00 CIB Untested Case wear
Ps3 Earth defense force insect armageddon $11.00 Sealed New
Ps3 Enemy front walmart edition $10.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Far cry 2 $10.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 $6.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Ghost recon future soldier $4.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 God of war iii $8.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 God of war saga collection disc 1 $20.00 Game, Sleeve Untested Sleeve tear
Ps3 Gran turismo 6 $14.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Grand theft auto iv $8.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps3 Haze $5.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Iron man 2 $12.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Ps3 Madden nfl 12 $3.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Metal gear solid v phantom pain day on edition $15.00 Sealed New
Ps3 Mlb 10 the show $4.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Ncis $10.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Playstation all stars battle royale $7.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Resistance 3 $10.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Ps3 Resistance fall of man greatest hits $8.00 CIB Untested
Ps3 Split/second $6.00 Loose Untested
Ps3 Ultra street fighter iv $17.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Ps3 Uncharted 3 drakes deception $5.00 Loose Untested
Ps4 [PAL] Crypt of the necrodancer $15.00 Sealed New
Ps4 [PAL] Yakuza remastered collection $23.00 Sealed New
Ps4 Battleborn $4.00 CIB Untested
Ps4 Mickey storm the cursed mask $5.00 CIB Untested Broken case
Ps4 Need for speed $12.00 CIB Untested Disc wear
Ps4 Ni no kuni white witch remastered $16.00 CIB Untested
Ps5 Ad infinitum $30.00 Sealed New
Ps5 Oni road to be the mightiest oni $33.00 Sealed New
Ps5 Persona 5 royal $37.00 Sealed New
Ps5 Zorro the chronicles $18.00 Sealed New
Psp Beowulf the game $15.00 Sealed New
Psp Gripshift $15.00 Sealed New
Psp Hustle detroit streets $6.00 CIB Untested
Psp Mlb 11 the show $21.00 Sealed New
Psp Mlb 2k11 $12.00 Sealed New
Psp Nba 10 the inside $10.00 Sealed New
Psp Neopets petpet adventures wand of wishing $13.00 CIB Untested
Sega genesis Jack nicklaus power challenge golf $13.00 CIB Untested Scuffed box
Sega genesis Lotus turbo challenge $10.00 Game, Case Untested
Xbox Brute force $3.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Xbox Chicken little $8.00 Game, (unofficial) Case Untested Disc wear
Xbox Dance dance revolution ultramix $3.00 Loose Untested
Xbox Dance dance revolution ultramix 2 $3.00 Loose Untested
Xbox Dead or alive 3 $8.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox Fable lost chapters platinum hits $3.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Xbox Flatout $7.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Xbox Freestyle street soccer $3.00 Loose Untested
Xbox Full spectrum warrior $3.00 Loose Untested
Xbox Grand theft auto iii $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox Halo 2 $7.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox Halo combat evolved $9.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox Lord of the tings return of the king $7.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox Nfl street 2 $11.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox Peter jacksons king kong $3.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Xbox Prince of persia warrior within $3.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested
Xbox Soul calibur ii platinum hits $8.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested
Xbox Star wars obi-wan $8.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox The incredibles $3.00 Loose Untested
Xbox 360 Armored core for answer $61.00 Loose Untested
Xbox 360 Fable anniversary $27.00 Game, Case Untested Case wear
Xbox 360 Fable ii $5.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested
Xbox 360 Forza 2 motorsport $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox 360 Just dance 3 $12.00 Sealed New
Xbox 360 Lego marvel super heroes $6.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox 360 Mercenaries 2 world in flames $10.00 Loose Untested Disc wear
Xbox 360 Minute to win it $7.00 Sealed New
Xbox 360 Ninja gaiden ii $8.00 Loose Untested Disc cracks
Xbox 360 Peggle 2 download code $50.00 Unused Card New
Xbox 360 Red dead redemption $9.00 CIB Untested General wear
Xbox 360 Resident evil operation raccoon city $7.00 Loose Untested
Xbox 360 Robert ludlums bourne conspiracy $13.00 CIB Untested
Xbox 360 Skate 3 platinum hits $7.00 Game, (repro?) Case Untested Disc wear
Xbox 360 White xbox 360 + white controller + cords $55.00 Console, Controller, Cords Currently untested Dirty, imperfections
Xbox 360 Wwe smackdown vs raw 2008 $15.00 Loose Untested Poor disc condition
Xbox 360 Your shape fitness evolved $7.00 Sealed New