You should be a Bot-Diver right now.
The Bug front is well maintained at this point, and Bug-Divers aren't going to budge. That's fine, y'all are doing good work over there. The illuminate are causing big problems, but I think we all know that stopping Meridia won't actually stop what's going to happen this weekend anyways. So putting effort into it won't make a difference from the Galactic War standpoint. But we are TEARING UP the boys right now, and have stopped their main striking force. The bots have long overrun our territory, and we're having incredible progress on the Automaton front. I'd say, focus your attention to recapturing as many planets and hold points as we can before the Anniversary update comes. Once it does, we'll have a strong footing against the Automatons, and we'll have a massive bump in reinforcements to take on the Illuminate when the update drops anyways. So we'll be able to effortlessly push back anything those Calamari fritters throw our way. Being a Bot Diver right now is critical and will make for long term success, even in the short term span of a couple days.
Edit to clarify: I am in no way saying the only way to play is to be a bot diver, or that the narrative doesn't matter. But there is a conversation about how if this were a strategy game, there's nothing we can do to prevent the biggest problem. But we have an opportunity to fix one of the biggest issues we've been having for months: The Automatons. So if you're wondering what you should be doing in game right now, you should be a Bot-Diver. But if you're not wondering what to do, then do what you want to do. It is just a game at the end of the day.