Anxious About Quitting
Hi everyone.
Daily bong smoker here, about ~2g per day, for the last 15 years.
I'm attempting to quit. Last day of smoking was yesterday. I'm almost 24hrs in.
Its been great reading through some of the posts here. It really does motivate me even more, but oh boy do I know its going to be tough.
There's a couple of things that worry me to the point of anxiety about the initial phase of quitting: 1) the boredom. 2) getting to sleep.
Like, how on earth am I going to be able to get to sleep? Back in the day, before I ever started smoking, I already struggled to get to sleep to the point I sought medical attention for it. Thats a sizeable part of why I loved weed so much...nothing else has ever let me get to sleep like weed. Are there any iver-the-counter/non-prescription stuff I can get to help with getting to sleep? Or should I go to my doctor and get something proper?
And the bordom. Weed just made sitting around bearable. And I do a lot of sitting around since my only hobby is golf (2 days per week), and I don't really have any friends besides a couple of golf buddys, and I have exactly zero other things that I do. I work, smoke weed, watch youtube, roam the internet, and occasional golf. That's basically it. Plus I'm single, no kids, and living alone. And I'm stretched financially, living paycheck to paycheck, so I can't really afford to go and do things that cost anything...for now at least until I quit cigarettes too. So with that in mind, I don't know how I'm going to manage the boredom.
I do plan on starting to exercise (running/jogging and maybe some weights). But one can only exercise so much. So yeah, I dunno...its pretty daunting. I grew my own weed so I wont save money there, but once I'm off the cigarettes too then I'll have a fair bit of extra disposable income to do more things. Any tips or tricks, recommendations, ideas, or suggestions on how to tackle the bordom will be much appreciated.
UPDATE: I'm now 42 hours in.
Last night was the first night I hadn't smoked in over a decade (since I last went overseas)...and it went really well.
I got to sleep fairly quickly (no more than 30-45mins) and I slept like a baby throughout the night.
I deliberately decided to go zero screen time for the last couple of hours of being awake and I think it helped. Instead I started reading again (first novel I've read in almost a decade). And I loved it. Today I couldn't stop thinking about the story and where it is going next, but I barely thought about weed at all.
And otherwise I'm (so far) getting no other withdrawal syptoms. My appetite is mostly there (90%). No nausea. No anything. Am feeling pretty normal, just not high.
We'll see how I go tonight regarding getting to sleep as I did play 36 holes of golf yesterday, walking (no cart), so that definitely helped wear me out I think.