Opinion on the prevanlnce of Silencers.

As the game has developed there have been more and more weapon variations that now feature the silencers. As I do understand the nessesity to add more variation and give each "class" of weapon a stealthy option for the sake of fairness between all who enjoy a certain weapon, it has been bothering me for a while that more often I stumble upon the question "is this really nessesary"?

Realism asside when it comes to the funcionality of the hardware, having silencers be more present removes an in my mind central part of the game. The audio-feedback. The ability to instantly know where someone is shooting from and sometimes even what gun the are using.

When engageing in a firefight with silencers it not only feels a bit anoying that there is more diffuculty put on the non-fighting part of the engagement but also that the adrenaline-sensation of being shot at is kinda lost and it feels quite goofy. As I am reminded that I am just playing a game and not actually being immersed in the way that I used to be when silencers were more of a tool and gimmick rather than an actual combat option.