Hypothyroidism Fatigue

I've posted here once before. Brief overview: mid 30's, born with hypothyroidism, doctors caught it immediately and I've been on levo my entire life. Doctors told my parents I'd be short and fat...ended up 6'6", 235lbs, in decent shape. TSH levels have been all over the place, partially due to my own stupidity of not taking the levo everyday. I've gone months before, skipping it one time for 7-8 months straight. Completely stupid...thyroid swelled up to the point of almost not being able to swallow, levels were in the 80's, headaches, all of it.

Fast forward, present day, been taking the levo everyday, without fail, levels back down around 7-10 (still high, but manageable).

Anyway, I've seen the posts here and I've come to rant, agree, look for advice, all the above.

I find myself UNBELIEVABLY tired. All the time. There isn't a day that goes by where I couldn't nap on the spot. I say that, no joke. I could sleep 11-12-13 hours, wake up, and within 2-3 hours, be ready to nap. Some days I will...and that nap will be a full on 4-5-6 hours of deep sleep. Wake up again, without fail, tired and ready to lay back down 3-4 hours later. I'll sleep a regular 8 hours before work, get up at 8am, and by noon at work, I'm ready to tuck away in my Office and go to sleep. Get home about 4pm, ready for a nap. Wake up about 8pm, mess around the house and 10-11pm and I'm ready for sleep again.

I see a lot of people on here struggle with fatigue, naps, energy. I just don't have a solution. I've tried caffeine, I've tried cutting caffeine out. I've tried "healthy eating". I've tried sticking to a solid sleep schedule and fighting through the nap feelings. NOTHING works.

Anyone on here find the magic answer....or is this just a doomed and forever symptom of hypothyroidism?