Am I being an asshole thinking my best friend would be better off without his girlfriend?

(D=My best friend, A=Friend who introduced me to D, G=Current girlfriend of my best friend, V=Friend of girlfriend) So it all started in 2020. That's when I met my best friend online, he he was a friend of a friend of mine and from then on we became inseparable. Me, D, and A lived on hookups, played a lot, and were always spending a lot of time together. Until I started dating a girl I liked, and D ended up walking away from me. Consequently I also walked away from him because of personal problems I had in my family, and it turned out that from October 2020 until March 2021 we weren't talking to each other. Until one day they called me for a call where D, A and some other mutual friends were there. And then D and I got back to talking a lot, and again we became inseparable. And I found out that D had been dating G for like 4 months, and that during the time I started dating the girl I liked (then I didn't date anymore), D liked me, and that's why he walked away . He had been very bad at the time and needed to forget, so that's when he met G. In the beginning, they were a relationship goal, they were a beautiful couple, who lived in harmony and a lot of love. But in August 2021, D was having some personal problems, which made him very insecure and very sad, that is, he needed attention and love. But G was treating him with a lot of indifference and was being a cold person with him, which made him always think he was doing something wrong or something (which wasn't true, because D treated G like a princess) . At that time I started to fall in love with D, and seeing this whole situation all I could feel was G's indignation and anger. Because she knew that D was insecure and that he had a lot of family problems, I believe it's a certain sense It is common to treat your boyfriend with love when he is going through a difficult time. Anyway, I never liked hostility or enmity so I never talked to her about it because I was going to have to air my feelings, and I didn't want her to get mad. This lasted for several days until September, the first ending of the two, arrived. AG said that he was tired of that relationship and that he had a very strong emotional block, and that he didn't know if he wanted to continue with that, D was very upset and unhappy, and since I was in love with D, I decided to help him get over it all. . A week passed, G sent a message saying she was wrong, that she couldn't live without him and that she still loved him very much. He was very hopeful, he came back with her and apparently they were happy. After a month, D was planning to come to my city (he doesn't live in the same city as me and G) to see G. A week before he came, G broke up with him again, saying she didn't want to hurt him, and that she thought he was emotionally dependent on her. D was devastated, totally sad, and again I went there, helped him, when he came here I just kept hugging him and giving him a lot of affection. When he left, believe it or not, G texted him again! And now, she was saying that even if D was mad at her, she still loved him. And after that they talked a lot, and came back again. The problem is that G is not being a good girlfriend for D. It takes 18 hours to answer D, he is always fighting with him and victimizing himself, saying that he was the one who decided this, and that if he wanted to leave he could. With all of that, I let go with V (G's friend, he's tried to be with her and he's in love with her) I didn't talk right with V, but I think that in a moment of anger, I ended up letting go with the first person I saw. All I said was how mad I was at G and how I hated to see D killing himself to show love to a person who didn't even give an iota of love to him. I just told him that. I never spoke ill of G, I never cursed her behind her back, nothing. Never did it. The only thing I said was that I was mad at her. Every day D and G were fighting and falling out, until there was a really heavy fight between them that triggered something in G, that she texted me saying everything. She said in the message that she was very disappointed in me, told me to go fuck myself, that I always said that I hated her and that I only hated her because I had a crush on D. I texted her explaining that I never I cursed her and that she wasn't supposed to put the fact that I was in love with D in this case, because I would defend D even if I wasn't his friend, because if I were in his place I would feel like crap. She hasn't answered me anymore, until now. From that moment on, I'm really mad at her, and I wanted D to break up with her to see how bad this relationship is doing for him. Unfortunately he can't quite forget about D, and to me it doesn't matter if he's single, dating me or anyone else, I just want to see him happy. Only. That. And I think he won't be happy and he won't even have high self-esteem with a girlfriend treating him like he's not an important person. Am I the asshole for thinking he'd be better off with me than her?