Need to vent about frustrations with new IJ rules

Basically a lot of my overall issues come down to this archaic system GW still uses with the books. We've gotten so many undercooked tomes because "oh we had to print them before the game launched"

It shows the absolute failure of the system and I think ALL rules need to be available digital and FREE.

I also hate this direction the army seems to be going in with the terrain and endless spells. Giving debuffs and minuses to charge is antithetical to what IJ should be: pushing up as a big ball of violence hitting you over and over. Basically all our fast stuff is much worse now and basically it seems like the two "real" options to play IJ right now is to spam Ardboyz or bring Kragnos.

I want to basically have the army play like they did end of 3rd even if they're not the best. I wanna be able to have stuff shoot up the field and punch hard. I don't wanna be doing this -control score and -charge dice. I don't care if it makes the army better or not, it's a complete failure by the rules team imo. If I wanted a tank debuff army I'd play Nurgle or something. I don't want to feel like I'm shoving a square into a round hole to play IJ how they should feel.