How does Malty makes people feel ?

After lurking on this subreddit for weeks, I reflected on what I was feeling towards Malty when I first heard about ROTSH - I asked myself "what did Malty made me feel ?"

When I first saw the scene of the execution in the anime, I felt both hatred and contempt for her - it was like how fascists describe their enemies to be both strong and weak : Malty was cruel and manipulative, but stupid, incompetent and cowardly, having no shame at begging Naofumi to save her.

(By the way, it would make a great narrative twist if Malty was revealed to have no qualms begging Naofumi because, as someone who was raised into becoming a sex slave for her old perverted uncle, she developed a "I need to live at any cost" mindset)

In other words, the anime made me see Malty both as a threat, a creature of pure evil, and someone weak and pathetic that would deserve to be humiliated and bullied.

This is probably what Aneko wanted to convey - at least I shed that mindset nowadays