[Serious] 3rd Wave Feminism has proven to be a failure, and now it is a tool of Capitalism
As a Marxist, I've accompanied the developments of society around the world in a multitude of angles, and one that has called my attention is Feminism - more speciffically, the 3rd Wave Feminism.
And what I've seen it become is not only frustrating but also scary:
The "Corporate Feminism" angle (the "girlboss") that claimed that "women should strive for the high corporate power" proved to be nothing more then a personal pursuit of its creator, Sophia Amoruso, that called it "a thing", and now, she has simply abandoned the idea to the point of even being one of the faces of the "Softgirl Era", showing how fickle are the ones who exploit the Movement for their own profits.
While the fight for Equality in the workplace is a noble fight, the blind spot of this was the fact that DEI became nothing more then a tool for business to obtain enormous tax exemptions just to fill a hiring quota that is not even founded upon merit, only on an arbitrary factor, making it even be questionable if said "entrance" in the marketplace is indeed based on skill or merely a show of appearences done for the sake of profit.
Dating apps, under the claim of freedom for women to pursue a romantic relationship of their choice, proved to be a disaster in societal terms that, not only are proving to be completely unreliable as ways to engage in relationships, but even the ones who tried to give to women the option of talking first simply had to gave up of this option thanks to the still expected societal norm of men having to "engage first". Combined with the brutal disparity between the genders in matters of preference (80% of all women in dating apps showed attraction to only 10% of men in them, while men showed to have a more balanced approach, coming close to 50%) and how in the end the only way presented by the dating apps to "expand your choices" is to pay sums that are getting higher by the trimester, it shows that said "freedom" ended up demanding a financial cost that no one is willing to pay.
Social media, and the media in general, exploited the Feminist vocabulary to put forward polemic debates that ended up in practically no viable or realistic solutions - it only made a great drama of it for the sake of audience rates and views, followed by a sequel of repeating backfiring and frustration. Some of these are the Amber Heard trial, the #metoo, and 4B which, in many cases, led to the loss of sympathy or fell to a complete mistrust of Feminism amidst the great public. Combined with the usage of Feminist rhethoric by social media content creators that exploit the insecurity of its viewers, and preach a divisive, exploitative and openly misandric message using distorted data, demagogy, false research, and contradicting arguments only to grow and keep a captive public in the name of profit and status only furthers this growing disillusionment with Feminism amongst the public.
The content of 3rd Wave Feminist academics are now oversaturated with research papers that simply do not develop new ideas, only focused on niche subjects that do not grant any new objectives for the future, making once again the public look at Feminism with mistrust.
A research of Psychology done by the University of Bern came to an alarming conclusion: that almost half of the participants in Feminist groups existent today have clear narcisistic traits, which can lead to the issue of the Movement not being destroyed by external forces and/or factors, but undone from within.
In resume: the fact that much of 3rd Wave Feminism is now being commodified and commercialized, only showed that has not only being "diluted", but also is one of the pillars of the defense of Capitalism thanks to its proffitability - it is not even needed to be in a march to show your support, but by a merch with a logo or a catching phrase stamped on it!
So, all I ask is for all to READ IT ALL WITH CALM, and provide your views on these topics.