My patience has ended.

What the bloody 'ell. How is it possible that in the 2+ months since pre-alpha release 2024 has actually gotten worse? Every day I give it a try (not career - I avoid that cockroach nest) and have had a modicum of success with free flight, although almost every plane has bugs of some kind (the Patey Draco X by Got Friends is the only exception so far), the key binds don't stick, ATC is horrendous, ad nauseum. Of late, however, even this is impossible, as the "streaming" does not load the flight plan (spinning wheel for both the departure and arrival airports), sometimes doesn't even load the full earth graphic with some large quadrants - like the entire NE Pacific - being blank, and the sim freezes when attempting to go back to the home page or exit the program. Ctl-alt-delete is getting a lot of work. I know I know this is a song sung annoyingly often, but I have to let off steam. And don't give me that "it works for me" or "why did you buy it" harangue. This is my primal scream therapy. I was offended by last week's "progress update" - Asobo is so blase about this pos that they will fix things only as we VOTE on them?!! Asobo and MS please accept my heartfelt middle finger salute. {and I know I know they don't give a rat's patootie about my rant, nor, probably, does anyone else.)