An "all around" roamer ?

Hi, I'm an exp main but I often have to roam, I'm ok with that and I soloq. I'm searching some all around roamer, let me explain.

I main Khaleed, so with him I can literally do everything when I go exp. I can gank, invade the jungle, I can cut or freeze, I rotate correctly, I'm here for team fight and I can split push. I can kill the enemy backline or protect mine, I can provide vision and it's possible to come back when we are losing. I really love it.

I would like some solid tank or support who can do some kind of job and can carry with. I roamer who can do a lot of jobs and not only good for team fight or for this or for that. Maybe a skill issue from me but I would like to carry with an all around roamer like I do when I play exp

I have Akai, Tigreal, Angela, Rafaela and Diggie, I liked Chip a lot but when the enemy have some high team fight potential I'm done

Can you give me some help please ? An all around hero or some tips if it's just a skill issue