lets spread some positive “just wait until”s…

i have a two year old, that sentence alone tells you all you need to know. but today, its like english clicked. my daughter is pretty ahead, so she has been talking for quite a while, but something about today was weirdly different. like, she knew how to talk but suddenly english made complete sense, like all of the in between words were all there at once. today was the first day my kid has talked my ear off about her day. she told me so many things she did, how she felt about it/them, things she thought about, that she missed me, that she loves me, that she had fun. she got so excited to see me pick her up she clapped and said yay and cried. i just, i am having one of those moments where i love her so much i could explode. she feels like a drug that i cannot get enough of, i love her so much its driving me mad. so what are some of your “just wait untils” because i had no idea how much it would mean to me to hear my daughter be excited to fluently explain her day to me, the fact that she was so excited to tell ME? i could cry forever.